In September, Apple launched its latest smartwatch, introducing the Apple Watch Series 10 alongside a black rendition of the Apple Watch Ultra 2. Each wearable has its own pros and cons, as does the second-gen Apple Watch SE, but the recent introduction of the new wearables also means there are now more Apple Watch models
Sure, ghosts, monsters, and zombies are the usual frights during Halloween. But 9-1-1 Season 8 Episode 5, titled “Masks,” written by Taylor Wong and directed by Christine Khalafian, explores a different kind of scare: being alone. Ironically, it’s the funniest episode in a long while, aside from a harrowing scene involving Denny, but the episode’s
Beyoncé made an appearance tonight at Vice President Kamala Harris’ Rally on Reproductive Rights, which took place in the musician’s hometown of Houston, Texas. Introduced by her mother, Tina Knowles, Beyoncé appeared onstage alongside her former Destiny’s Child bandmate Kelly Rowland to introduce the Democratic presidential nominee. “H-Town,” the singer began, “we are so happy
As Taylor Swift‘s much-anticipated Eras Tour gains momentum, fans are buzzing with excitement for her upcoming performance. With each show offering unforgettable experiences and stunning visuals, anticipation is building for what surprises Swift might unveil tonight. Curious about her current location and the next show details? Here’s everything you need to know. Where is Taylor
If you’ve ever woken up with a sore throat, you might have wondered if it’s something serious. But how can you really tell the difference between a regular sore throat and strep throat? Strep throat isn’t just another minor discomfort. It’s an infection caused by bacteria that can lead to more serious issues if not
ProPublica is a nonprofit newsroom that investigates abuses of power. Sign up to receive our biggest stories as soon as they’re published. Reporting Highlights Effective Partners: For decades, the business lobby helped shape immigration legislation and moderated the immigration debate, working alongside advocates for immigrants. Trump Effect: In the Trump era, businesses now see more
Scams can fool AI models Wong Yu Liang/Getty Images The large language models (LLMs) that power chatbots are increasingly being used in attempts to scam humans – but they are susceptible to being scammed themselves. Udari Madhushani Sehwag at JP Morgan AI Research and her colleagues peppered three models behind popular chatbots – OpenAI’s GPT-3.5
This content contains affiliate links. When you buy through these links, we may earn an affiliate commission. Welcome to Today in Books, our daily round-up of literary headlines at the intersection of politics, culture, media, and more. 2025 Andrew Carnegie Medals Longlists The 2025 Andrew Carnegie Medals Longlists for Fiction and Nonfiction are out! You
Check just about every list of the best VPNs (including ours), and you’re likely to see NordVPN, ExpressVPN, or both names mentioned. These two packages have been providing top-tier VPN services for years at this point, so I wanted to take a closer look at what each one had to offer. Choosing the right VPN