Alice in Neverland, an original musical that imagines a meeting between Lewis Carroll’s Alice and J.M. Barrie’s Peter Pan, is under development, with actors Christy Altomare (Anastasia), Heath Saunders (Natasha, Pierre & The Great Comet of 1812) and Will Swenson (Waitress) set to lead a developmental reading tomorrow.
With book, music and lyrics by Phil Kenny and Reston Williams, Alice in Neverland is being presented by team of Broadway producers that includes Jerry Goehring (Be More Chill), Jim Kierstead (Hadestown), Mike Evariste (Disgraced), Jamie deRoy (Beetlejuice) and (Anastasia).
The reading cast will also include Megan Masako Haley (Mean Girls), Alistair Brammer (Miss Saigon) and Timothy Hughes (Hadestown).
Also participating in the reading are M. Chase Grant, Kurt Hellerich, Claire Wilkins Kenny, Lisa Larsen, Mack, Beatriz Melo, Ryan Simmons, Scout Smith, Matt Walker, Kim Williams and Clotile Yanna.