Laura Barker is an attorney by trade but an entrepreneur at heart. She is an international business owner, consultant, and trainer who works with business owners and professionals to maximize their growth opportunities while minimizing risk. Her business acumen spans across a variety of industries including having founded her own law firm, co-founding an internationally
the global profile builder
Judy O’Beirn, President and CEO of Hasmark Publishing International and has spent the last 12 years helping hundreds, if not thousands, of authors publish their book(s) and become International Bestsellers. She is an author and Creator of a book series titled ‘Unwavering Strength’. Most recently Judy has established Hearts to be Heard Inc. – who’s
James Peters Transformational Mindset Coach Interviewed On Brilliance Business TV Show With Mark Stephen Pooler. “James Peters a Transformational Mindset Coach and Jay Shetty Certified Coach.” James has been on one heck of a journey and his speciality is working with and helping to motivate “adversity survivors” so they can rediscover their true self. James coaches and
Dr. Russell Kennedy, aka “The Anxiety MD” specializes in the art and neuroscience of helping people recover from anxiety disorders. He knows anxiety from the inside out, as he developed his own anxiety disorder (and suffered often crippling anxiety for more than 30 years) as a direct result of growing up with a dad with