world star pr

  “Envision you will be successful forever and live like you will go broke tomorrow. Congratulations, that’s when you become a paranoid optimist”….JT Foxx “Work till you no longer need to introduce yourself”….JT Foxx JT Foxx is a serial entrepreneur with business interests in over 54 countries. He is a Philanthropist, a private equity fund
The Simonetta Lein Show is hosted by celebrity tv host and top woman influencer Simonetta Lein. This Simonetta Lein Show, along with its premiere of Season Two, has launched a series of panel interview episodes, showcasing local to international entrepreneurs, business owners, and artists, looking to share their industry insights and experiences. This will be
The innovative top of the popularity indie faction The PondHawks have been brightening the arc of humanity with their songs, including their inspirational warning message “Invisible Stranger.” With a fan base on social media of over 600 thousand, the Chicago based anomaly has been creating a buzz for years. Recognized for their outstanding lyrical stories
Howard Bloom is much more than an author. He is a revolutionary writer and has been relentlessly compared to Stephen Hawking, Sigmund Freud, Albert Einstein, and pretty much the great minds of history. As the author of “Einstein, Michael Jackson and Me”, he continues to write history in the pages of one of the most
An arc of humanity, soulmate of the heart, philanthropist, entertainer, recording artist, record label owner, producer and comic book superhero, John “SohoJohnny” Pasquale is an inspirational visionary. Shadowing his dad who passed many years ago, SohoJohnny is society’s rock. Founder of the “Let Me Help, Inc” Foundation SohoJohnny produces massive benefit extravaganzas benefitting organizations including:
Rock Star Journalist and PR Guru Eileen Shapiro will be a featured guest on “If These Walls Could Talk” with hosts Wendy Stuart and Tym Moss on Wednesday, December 20th, 2020 at 3 PM ET live from the infamous Pangea Restaurant. Wendy Stuart is an author, celebrity interviewer, model, filmmaker and hosts  “Pandemic Cooking With