EXCLUSIVE: Sanjay Shah (Central Park) has been tapped as writer and executive producer on Everybody Hates Chris, an animated series reboot of Chris Rock’s beloved autobiographical family sitcom. Rock is poised to return as narrator and executive producer of the animated project, which is currently in development at CBS Studios, the studio behind the 2005 coming-of-age single-camera comedy, created by Rock and Ali LeRoi based on Rock’s teen years.
Shah is coming off a stint as an executive producer/co-showrunner on the first two seasons of Apple TV+’s animated musical series Central Park. His other series credits include Fresh Off The Boat, South Park and King of the Hill. He’s also consulted on feature and streaming projects at Pixar. Shah is repped by UTA, Kaplan/Perrone, and attorney Ken Richman.
Everybody Hates Chris premiered in September 2005 on UPN and ran for four seasons, one on UPN and three on its successor the CW. The comedy, which achieved cult status, has remained on TV via broadcast and cable syndication.