Learn How to Obtain a Millionaire Mindset from Expert Success Mentor, Hector Rodriguez Curbelo

Financial stability is about having the ability to create your own income, no matter the state of the economy. It’s the ability to adapt to the changes of the internet and master new strategies before anyone else. And it all starts by changing the way in which we think, which is exactly what I teach my students to do. ” – Hector RC

For most people, having dreams of financial freedom, and extreme wealth, are often set aside and replaced by thoughts of merely getting by. But, imagine a life where luxury and success could not only be a possibility but a reality! Hector Rodriguez Curbelo (Hector RC) is a well-known business mentor and has an array of effective strategies that fit any number of financial goals and scenarios, all of which deliver maximum earning potential and extraordinary results. Hector himself has achieved the ultimate level of abundance in life, starting from a very modest life in Uruguay, and currently runs an 8-figure a year corporation. His dynamic, driven, supportive coaching style has allowed him to make a difference for many entrepreneurs across the globe.

Hector RC began his career in the Uruguayan Air Force in 2000 and in 2008, while still in the Air Force, went on to pursue a Meteorology degree. In 2012, he worked as a public relations manager for various brands including nightclubs and magazines. This role tapped into his true interests and soon after Hector founded the international Fusion Models Agency followed by Fusion Magazine, a fashion, trends, and news magazine. Realizing this was where his passions lied, Hector left the Air Force behind to pursue a full-time career working to help others become the best version of themselves. Utilizing his gift of guiding others to reach peak performance in life, in 2015 Hector began coaching students in personal development and business. He became a Neuro-Linguistic Programming Practitioner and focused his studies on human interaction, body language, human psychology, mindset, and neurology. In 2018, Hector launched Sé el Jefe which became one of the largest online training platforms for Hispanic entrepreneurs, with over 200K students in less than 2 years. But this was only the beginning! In 2019, Hector launched the SEJ Millionaires’ Mastermind Retreats and in 2020 he founded the SEJ Corp in Costa Rica and launched Wealth Club, high-profile networking and investments club.

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To be successful, in today’s challenging world, it takes drive, adaptability, and many times an established leader with a proven track record for pushing limits, leading the way. Over the years, Hector has perfected a distinct talent for adapting to various environments and thriving in them all. He is recognized as an expert in business, marketing, global branding, sales, and coaching, has had the opportunity to share his experiences and success stories with thousands of people around the world. As a professional mentor, he has trained and led ambitious individuals to realize their strengths and use them to become successful entrepreneurs through a variety of modalities including Millionaires’ Mastermind Retreats, which are luxury events for select clients who spend 6 days with multi-millionaire experts and industry leaders from around the world, learning, networking, and building highly impactful business relationships and cover topics such as Mastering the Feminine Power, Millionaires’ Health and Fitness, and Crypto Millionaires. Other comprehensive learning opportunities include Elite Mentorship Programs, online platforms including his highly informative and motivational Instagram platform which can be found at hectorrc_ and his YouTube channel, packed full of the most informative and inspiring videos available.

Regardless of where individuals come from, Hector’s results-oriented programs show ambitious entrepreneurs how to build an 8-figure a year business, doing exactly what they love. Known to be focused, spirited, and deeply galvanizing, Hector has led countless individuals to the peak of their success through customized one-on-one mentorships, like the following.


  •      Elite Mentorship Program– A 1-on-1, personal, and business development program that guides current and future entrepreneurs to build a multi-million-dollar business or expand a current business, into a globally known, thriving corporation. Participants will learn directly from Hector how to fine-tune their skills, and learn crucial new skills, to become the master of their own destiny. In a personal setting, Hector will analyze existing circumstances and the business overall in order to pinpoint potential new opportunities worth pursuing. He will take participants on a journey, providing step-by-step instructions and a customized action plan that will deliver the desired outcome.

Each of Hector’s programs enables participants to scale their business into the next realm where possibilities are endless and results are guaranteed. To live this life of financial freedom and incredible abundance all that is needed is ambition and an open mind!


All your dreams can come true if you have the courage to pursue them.”  – Walt Disney

Photo Credit: Ann Photography




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