Best Weightlifting Shoes For Women, Reviewed By Fitness Editors

Some lifters may even prefer to go barefoot and allow the foot to provide natural stability. “Flat shoes are best for deadlifting and low bar squats where the lifter doesn’t require significant ankle flexion,” says Jenny. But, for movements like squats, you may actually find it helpful to wear a weightlifting shoe with a slightly raised heel. As a slight heel can offer greater balance and support a better squatting form, compared to completely flat soles.

“Full depth high bar squats and Olympic lifts are best performed using hard base shoes with a slightly elevated heel to help increase ankle range,” says Jenny. “If you don’t want to invest in a pair of shoes solely for lifting, a multi-purpose shoe such as those often worn in Crossfit is recommended.”

Things to consider when shopping for a weightlifting shoe:

  • What will you be wearing the shoe for? If you want to weightlift with very heavy weights then you should consider a heeled weightlifting shoe. If deadlifts or higher rep strength training is the goal, a wide and flat sole is the way forward. Anything that involves cardio shouldn’t be done in a weightlifting shoe.
  • How comfortable is the shoe? While weightlifting shoes may feel a little weird at first, they should be comfortable to wear and allow you to spread your feet wide for a good grip of the floor. Anything too small or uncomfortable will make for dangerous lifting.
  • What does the shoe look like? Finding a show that suits your personal taste is a very important point before purchasing a weightlifting shoe. Not only does feeling good help you be more confident in the gym, but you need to know it’s a shoe you’ll come back to time and time again if you’re going to spend a lot of money on it.
  • How expensive is the shoe? Weightlifting shoes can be very expensive, but middle-ground shoes are also good for lifting. Work out how much you can invest before starting your search.

Why do people lift in Converse?

While Converse aren’t specifically designed for weightlifting, they do actually work pretty well for it (mainly thanks to their minimal cushioning and flat sole).

“Powerlifters often wear converse because the sole is flat while simultaneously proving high ankle support,” says Jenny. “Having a flat sole helps increase balance, physical awareness and stability while reducing the overall range of motion relating to ankle stability.”

Scroll for our full edit of the very best weightlifting shoes for women.


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