howard bloom institute

There is a sudden movement in the Western World to take smartphones away from kids. It started in the summer of 2022 when social psychologist Jonathan Haidt at New York University, the father of two adolescents, was writing a book about what he called “the pervasive negative effects of the internet and social media on
The space race of the 21st century is not between nations, but between China and one man: Elon Musk. As CEO of SpaceX, Musk has revolutionized space travel, achieving milestones once thought impossible. His relentless drive has put SpaceX at the forefront, far outpacing NASA, not to mention Russia, China, and India. In contrast, America’s
The headline in a CNN story that appeared a little after noon on Wednesday, June 26th, was brutal: “Children are dying of starvation in their parents’ arms as famine spreads through Gaza.” The details were heartbreaking. One nine year old boy, said CNN, is “clearly wasted from severe malnutrition and suffering from dehydration. His blue
On Tuesday, June 18th, a new word showed up in the vocabulary of the Middle-East war: “inevitable.” Nearly every expert in Israel from the country’s military leaders to its newsletter writers said that an all-out war with Lebanon’s Hezbollah was inevitable. And who is Hezbollah?  Like Hamas in Gaza, Hezbollah is a part of Iran’s “Axis
On Wednesday June 12th something frightening happened. The Russian Northern Fleet naval group completed “precision missile weapons” drills East of the Florida Keys, within easy nuclear missile distance of the United States.  Then the four ships of mass destruction sailed to Cuba, only 106 miles from the beaches of Florida, anchored at Havana Harbor and were
Hamas’ strategy of using civilians as human shields is working. The biggest stories in Gaza War news in the last few days have centered on two purported Israeli strikes in Rafah killing civilians.  On Sunday May 26th Israel dropped two small 37-pound bombs to kill two Hamas leaders.  These pinpoint bombs killed precisely the leaders they were
A story broke in Newsweek magazine April 10th claiming that a study in a high prestige medical journal of the American Medical Association, JAMA Psychiatry, revealed that teenagers who spend a lot of time playing video games and who use their computers heavily are more likely to have a psychotic episode. In the study Newsweek was reporting on, seven researchers in
Taiwan’s defense chief, Chiu Kuo-Cheng, has revealed that American troops are permanently stationed in Taiwan. Our soldiers are there to train Taiwan’s military in the use of things like drones.  However, some of those troops are less than two miles from China’s border. A headline in London’s The Express warns that this puts the “world” on
The TikTok issue is one of the biggest damned if you do, damned if you don’t problems on America’s agenda. On April 14, 2023, nearly a year ago, Montana became the first state to try to ban TikTok, but a US District Judge put a temporary halt to the ban, saying it “oversteps state power,”
The Senate Judiciary Committee, under Democrat Dick Durbin and Republican Lindsey Graham, held a hearing Wednesday, January 31, that the Committee advertised as “the first time a group of Big Tech CEOs will testify on online child sexual exploitation.” The CEOs included Meta’s Mark Zuckerberg, TikTok’s Shou Chew, X’s Linda Yaccarino, Snap’s Evan Spiegel, and
England’s Morrisons, a 470-store British supermarket chain, has tried something innovative but disturbing. In a few of its stores over the Christmas season, it installed a robotic intrusion detector designed to act as a night watchman on construction sites, in mines, and on farms.  Morrisons tried this machine to detect, not trespassers, but shoplifters. The robotic
The big question is whether it will cause World War III. Early Wednesday morning, at 3 pm in the afternoon Iranian time, a suicide bomber a mile from the modest grave of Lieutenant General Qasem Soleimani in southeastern Iran’s Kerman province blew himself up.  Then, 20 minutes later, as people crowded to the explosion’s site to
The Wall Street journal has published a story that may explain many of the mysteries of the war against Hamas in Gaza. The Journal reveals something the Israelis are keeping secret.  The Israeli military has built five water pumps near the coastal Al-Shati refugee camp in Gaza City and has been experimenting with flooding Hamas’ 310
The SpaceX Starship has launched its second orbital test flight. Which means that America now is about to have two mega-rockets, two of the biggest rockets ever to take to the skies. One is SpaceX’s Starship.  The other is NASA’s Artemis Moon Rocket. How do the two stack up against each other? The Artemis Moon Rocket’s engines generate