howard bloom institute

The Wall Street journal has published a story that may explain many of the mysteries of the war against Hamas in Gaza. The Journal reveals something the Israelis are keeping secret.  The Israeli military has built five water pumps near the coastal Al-Shati refugee camp in Gaza City and has been experimenting with flooding Hamas’ 310
The SpaceX Starship has launched its second orbital test flight. Which means that America now is about to have two mega-rockets, two of the biggest rockets ever to take to the skies. One is SpaceX’s Starship.  The other is NASA’s Artemis Moon Rocket. How do the two stack up against each other? The Artemis Moon Rocket’s engines generate
We all know what happened Saturday.  Or we think we know. Gaza fired what it said were 5,000 rockets at civilian targets in Israel.  And Hamas fighters infiltrated Israel using a massive bulldozer to tear a hole in the smart fence draped with razor wire that separates Gaza from southern Israel. Over 1,500 invaders streamed through. Some of
The economic jackpot of space will dwarf the Internet, the automobile, and the Louisiana Purchase combined. Space mining will reap trillions. Scientific research done in space will cure countless diseases. Space Solar Power and space nuclear power will ensure American dominance of the global energy market for a century…  if America gets there first. China has
This is a story of the prizes and the prices of fame. At 8:00 Wednesday morning, September 20th, Donald Trump Jr’s X account proclaimed, “I’m sad to announce, my father Donald Trump has passed away. I will be running for president in 2024.” Then the account burped out a Tweet about Joe Biden complete with a
In a story that appeared Wednesday morning, September 14th, The Wall Street Journal exposed a hidden crisis called the silver tsunami. What’s the silver tsunami?  It’s a tidal wave of homelessness among the elderly.  Senior citizen homelessness today is five times what it was in 1990. Who are today’s homeless elderly? Baby boomers. A privileged
One of the world’s most fabled neighborhoods for the rich and famous is Beverly Hills, the home of Taylor Swift, Jennifer Aniston, Adele, Jack Nicholson, and Eddy Murphy. And in Beverly Hills is one of the most luxurious and expensive shopping areas you have ever seen, Rodeo Drive. But is the allure of Rodeo Drive
The attack on social media just won’t stop. Three weeks ago, on August 8, the Child Mind Organization updated a report on its website headlined, “Does Social Media Use Cause Depression?”  The answer was basically yes. Meanwhile, anonymous backers of the Kids Online Safety Act are running an expensive series of TV ads with mothers who
In 1968 Pope Paul VI established a Global Peace Day. A New Year’s Day on which the Pope gives a speech “reflecting the signs of our times.” Wednesday August 9th, the Vatican put out an announcement about the speech the pope will give at next year’s Peace Day, coming up on January 1st, just four months
Digital IDs are sweeping the world, but are barely seeping into America.  This American techno-sluggishness has disturbing implications. We Americans have traditionally led the world with our technologies and our infrastructure.  That is no longer the case.  Our roadways and airports make us look like a third world country.  Even our water and sewage systems are
The figures are staggering. During this Fourth of July weekend, there were 22 mass shootings in 13 states.  Yes, twenty-two mass shootings. What’s more, twenty Americans were killed and 126 were injured in the five days between last Friday and early Wednesday morning. But that’s just the toll from mass shootings. Over the last week, there were 384
Something startling is happening to aging.   90,000 Americans have reached the age of 100.  Which means that you, too, may live that long.  But how? Publicity for a new book on longevity has brought a 2012 study back into the news.  In that study, researchers from Yeshiva University looked at 250 people 98 to
If the launch of SpaceX’s 100-passenger Starship on Thursday succeeds, it will radically change the relationship between life and space. Why?   for the price of one NASA Artemis Moon Rocket launch, you could launch 2,000 Starships for the price of one Artemis Moon Rocket launch carrying three passengers to the moon, you could launch
On Wednesday April 12th, NPR announced that it will quit Twitter. It will take down all 52 of its Twitter accounts. Why? Because Twitter has taken the label it uses for state-manipulated propaganda channels like Russia’s Russia Today and China’s CCTV—“state affiliated media”– and has applied it to NPR. Implying that NPR is a puppet
Early in the morning of Tuesday, March 14th, two Russian Su-27 jets harassed a $32 million American MQ-9 Reaper surveillance drone that was gathering information on the nearby Ukraine War from the air above the international waters of the Black Sea 75 miles from Russian-held Crimea. The two Russian jets reportedly toyed with the drone
On February 6th, a constitutional amendment was introduced in the California Legislature by Assembly Member Isaac Bryan.  Bryan’s amendment would give voting rights to people in prison on felony convictions. Two days later, David Cruz, an ex-felon who spent thirteen years in state prison and then helped organize a non-profit called Initiate Justice, held a