howard bloom institute

On February 6th, a constitutional amendment was introduced in the California Legislature by Assembly Member Isaac Bryan.  Bryan’s amendment would give voting rights to people in prison on felony convictions. Two days later, David Cruz, an ex-felon who spent thirteen years in state prison and then helped organize a non-profit called Initiate Justice, held a
Covid is making people depressed, lonely, drug-addicted, and suicidal. According to a new ABC-Washington Post poll, covid has had a dramatic impact on the way you and I lead our lives.  Says the Post, “Roughly 9 in 10 say they are staying home ‘as much as possible’ and are practicing social distancing to lessen the
Thought AI, an adaptive artificial intelligence systems development company, has contributed 1 million of its THT cryptocurrency coins to the recently launched Howard Bloom Institute, an international think tank led by Howard Bloom,  the man dubbed by Britain’s Channel 4 TV as the “next in a lineage of seminal thinkers that includes Newton, Darwin, Einstein,